Monday, August 31, 2009

Itchy Bitchy Snatchy Scratchy

Last week when the AC compressor in my car conked out and not having the funds to repair it, I've been driving around with my windows rolled down, one arm resting or outright dangling out of the driver's side window at all times. Have developed a touch of what's commonly known as a "trucker's tan", though no outright burn by any reason, but I am an uncommonly pale individual by nature.

But here's the thing: In the past week I've developed these tiny little itchy bumps on the skin right around the elbow area, and only on top of my arm, not underneath. They're too tiny to see, but you can feel them like Braille, and appear to be neither whiteheads or blackheads so I don't know whether to rule out acne in this case. And it's only on that arm, the one exposed to the sun. I burst maybe two or three of them to see what's inside and it doesn't really appear to be anything, which doesn't make sense for something raised off my skin. But it burns if I scratch or pop, and only after soap and water does the pain start to subside.

I admit I've neglected my sunscreen this past week, since I usually slather it on when I go to the pool or expect to be out in the sun most of the day, which frankly I rarely am. Summer months I spend hiding from the elements, having spent far too long in the 80's sun-worshipping at the beach in little bathing suits with my friends, competing to out-Coppertone each other. I'm certain that I'll be inheriting the same cancerous lumps on my face the way my mom is suffering now, but until then I like to think that I have staved off the inevitable for the next twenty years by staying indoors during summer months to the best of my ability. But the last week or so, having run out of sunscreen, I haven't really thought to buy any more just for that one arm, since my only thought when I jump into the car is to get to where I need to be without melting. In the meantime I think I did a number on my elbow somehow, but I don't know if it's sun-related or what. And what to put on it to help.

Anybody who spends a lot of time with their arms danging out of car windows familiar with this condition?


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