Friday, January 15, 2010

The Lady Vanishes

Former Moldy Peach Adam Green has a new song out about Peter Bagge comic protagonist "Buddy Bradley" off his brand new album Minor Love out this week.

Speaking of Bagge, I rode the Amtrak this past weekend for probably the fourth time in my life and like every time I found it rather comfortable and enjoyable -- not to mention the complete lack of taking off my shoes and the casual pleasure of having a magazine on my lap. I only mention Peter Bagge here because the popular Libertarian cartoonist for Reason magazine eviscerated Amtrak in one of his comics. But I can't help it, I'm a sucker for choo-choos. I even got out at the Washington DC layover in the freezing cold to watch them change out the diesel engine for the electric one. Good times! And cold as a bitch.


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