Friday, November 02, 2007

Chipmunks Down My Shirt

The Friday Five:

What is...

1. one place you volunteer (or would like to)? Why?

It's been awhile since I volunteered anywhere since that stint feeding the homeless kids down at the beach several years ago. I've had a steady urge these days to look into volunteering at a learning center or someplace that teaches reading skills to adults. Many years ago when I worked at a music store in a very poor area of Portsmouth I was overwhelmed by the number of elderly people who didn't know how to read, and couldn't even sign their own names. Trying to imagine going through their long lives as they had, getting by, and missing out on so much, all because they didn't know how to read. I lack the education myself to teach others, but I would love to do some kind of volunteer work in that area, if possible.

2. one book you'd like to see made into a movie? Why?

Sirius by Olaf Stapledon. Then again I'd hate to see their idea of a giant-headed talking dog making love to a teenage girl done in cheap CGI. Er, not that they should use a real dog instead, I mean. What I mean is.... aw nuts, I don't know what I mean. But yeah, I wanna see it happen. NOT THE SEX WITH THE DOG PART! I mean the book, I mean. I mean... I mean... *thud*

3. one creature (living, extinct, or mythical) you'd like for a pet? Why?

Been a dragon fanatic since I was old enough to know what they are, so I would probably still go with that choice. When I was little I used to have dreams about a dragon named Solo who would come and rescue me if I was in danger just by calling him with a magic bag of M&M's candy. Of course, after he would save me he would ravage the town, killing people and destroy everything in his path. Oh, how I miss my Solo.

4. one place on Earth you'd like to visit? Why?

There are far too many places that I long to visit in equal measure so I simply can't choose just one over them all. When it comes to places I have never seen, based on my father's glowing account of his trip to Copenhagen, right now I would love to see the Tivoli Lights on a still, snowy night.

5. one talent or skill you'd like to develop? Why?

Juggling. So that people will think that I have talent. Fools them every time.


Blogger Anita said...

Word to the wise: don't ever volunteer at a library.

I would want a seal or a penguin for a pet. OOH or one of those red pandas.

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I volunteer at this place:

At the moment, though, I don't believe they have any locations near there. You'd probably enjoy it, though if they did. They do have some volunteer from home options. Anyway, I really love it, it's very fulfilling and I read a different text book for two hours every week. I never know what I'm going to learn!

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent blog, Sweetie!

El Gee x

6:32 PM  

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