Saturday Morning Cartoons
Working all these holidays non-stop while the going's been good at the store has left me a tad ready to drop -- frustrated, exhausted, and blazing headaches -- that this weekend off feels more like a vacation than I would have had if I had Thanksgiving, New Years Eve, and New Years Day off combined. I finally get to start using a few of my gift cards, starting with the one Joe gave me for Books-A-Million (the new one that just opened up around the corner of my house). Exciting , exciting, n'est-ce pas? Yeah no, not really, if you're not a rabid fangrrrl of graphic novels, although I did try to find some vegan and raw food recipe books, but alas. So what did I get?
Rrrrrr uhhh....
An illustrated biography of Isadora Duncan by Sabrina Jones, whose style is somewhat similar to the more refined work from Roberta Gregory (more Winging It than Naughty Bits) but with a lively, kinetic line of her own. Perfect for the subject matter at hand.
Seeing the highly disappointing film version of The Spirit this week only reminded me more how much Will Eisner's art and prose really flesh his characters to life in ways that a hyper-stylized Hollywood adaptation could only dream. To The Heart Of The Storm deals with anti-Semitism spanning the years during two world wars as a new American family tries to assimilate with all the challenges it provides.
And Gasoline, a full length graphic novel by Meat Cake writer and illustrator Dame Darcy that I've been hearing about but always forget about a few minutes later so I have never tried to seek it out until it became the first thing that smacked me in the face on the top shelf of the graphic novel aisle. A group of orphaned witches searching for gasoline pits in a post-apocalyptic world (no, really!), you pretty much don't need to pitch this to me in advance to get me to buy, as anything with Dame Darcy's name on it is bound to be at least eccentrically as well as aesthetically pleasing in some form or fashion. If you like that Victorian dead-eyed doll thing while you're getting you post-apocalyptic groove on.
Rrrrrr uhhh....
So yes, I come home grouchy from work every day this week, tired and needing loads of Tylenol and bed rest. But overall, holy cow... since I started this vegetarian diet my attitude and my spirit and just... my body feels so, so clean and so healthy for the first time in the last couple of years. I know, DUH. And I'm getting it. I got it before, but I lost it for awhile. I'm getting it now. Dear sweet big baby Jesus (no not you ODB) please don't let me forget that again.
Okay, you too, ODB.
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