Friday, October 30, 2009

Last Will And Temperment

It's been ages since I've seen this guy! But it's nice to see that he's still stirring the pot out there somewhere. San Francisco, apparently.

Dee Allen was a local poet who used to haunt the Hampton Roads music scene in the late 80's/early 90's, or at least I knew of him when I was involved, I suppose. When Joe used to book and DJ the Nsect Club in Hampton he was always there, wide-eyed and nervous, skinny and forever hunched in heavy hoodies and wool skull caps, no matter what the weather. He would crawl into the DJ booth with Joe and hand him his latest poem, typically decorated along the borders in his distinct graffiti-style. Unusual guy. Rarely says much but has an odd manner of speech when he does. But his poetry was striking. I wouldn't be surprised if I still have some of his poetry in old boxes with all my other mementos from that time in my life.

It also just occurred to me that Dee sounds an awful lot like Eugene Levy's character from A Mighty Wind. Not saying that Dee's crazy or anything. Well, that is... ahem.


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