Saturday, November 06, 2010

I Guess An Update Is Due

Joe has been let go of his job, and on the whole I'm actually quite glad that he's not working there anymore because I know the stress of it was killing him on the inside, and I would rather see him out of work than sick and miserable any day. I remember how supportive he was with me when I quit Ticketmaster back in 2002, coming home every day for seven years having felt beaten with a stick for eight hours straight. A part of me still hates talking on the phone to this day due to how long I had to be hooked in on a headset and being screamed constantly. Joe's job really wasn't much different but in many ways a thousand times worse, and for much longer periods of time. But I'm proud of him for trying and sticking with it and doing his best considering the circumstances, being so sick all the time. And I have faith in his abilities to find something better and more enjoyable as well. We'll see what the future brings.


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