Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dance Of The Dwarves

Great joy! Help me, people. To find this movie somewhere online (this is some kind of Russian version of youtube so the text is in Russian but the video clip is in English).

A couple of years ago I mentioned how I was looking for a hilariously bad 80's sci-fi/horror film that I thought had the word "Dwarves" in the title, which I have seen on either TBS or some cable channel a bazillion years ago and not really paying attention until suddenly "Defiance" by local Virginia band Snuff began playing over the end credits. Well, after conferring with an old friend from work and Facebooking with Chuck "Coyote" Larson from Snuff it has been determined that the film was the 1983 sci-fi/horror crapfest Dance Of The Dwarfs, which was released briefly on VHS as Jungle Heat and will probably never see the light of day on DVD in any way shape or form. That does goes without saying, right?

If anybody can find either title online or on VHS or some kind of format that I might see again please let me know. But most importantly it proves that I am NOT a loon. No, I'm not. I said I'm not. Stop looking at me like that.


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