Sunday, October 30, 2005

Picture Book

First photo I ever took with my new digital camera: A corner of my living room.

Second photo I took: The creek behind my apartment building. This is actually the view from the window in the living room, closed with blinds in the first photo.

I always figured I'd take more pictures once I got this camera, I guess to no real surprise... I haven't. I've never been that snappy-happy. People are always surprised that I don't have more photos lying around in albums or shoe boxes or what have you. Then again I guess the new digital age has put an end to all that.

I'm feeling weirdly cynical today. Probably brought on by guilt. Guilty for taking this week off from work knowing how bad off the store will be with me and two others on vacation at the same time. I need to learn to stop feeling guilty for enjoying good things. I've always been that way, for some reason. I can't figure out why, though. I'm basically a good person, I like to think. Why don't I deserve something good every now and then? Is it because I've had too much good to feel like I deserve any more? Despite being dirt poor I think I have a pretty swell life in general -- so do I feel guilty for that sometimes? A silly thing to feel guilty about, but there it is. Does anybody else out there ever feel that way from time to time?

Sorry, this is a rather lame blog entry. I promise to perk it up next time. I gotta get back to my Chisholm '72: Unbought & Unbossed DVD.

By the way, it's amazing what one can find when they finally get around to cleaning out from under their living room sofa. Just putting it out there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well thats just a lovely shot. do you ever use your instant messenger? i saw you on it but you never replied. dont worry your not hurting my feelings or anything i was just curious.

9:23 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Did you try to IM me today? Oh hell, I thought I hear somebody trying to do that but I thought it was just my imagination. I must have forgotten to hang my "out to lunch" sign because I was online but for an hour or so I was in the living room watching a movie so I must have missed you. Sorry, gal! If you ever see me on again please give me another try (before your net access disappears!). It could be my boyfriend online too but just say it's Emily and he'll let me know you called.

4:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im currently taking advantage of my local coffee shops free wi-fi. so i'm around.

8:26 PM  

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