Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve Can Kill You

I hope everyone out there who does the Christmas thing has a real good one tomorrow. Me, I'll be spending it with my parents and brother, as is our family's tradition I suppose. Tonight I close the store early and plan on going home, wrapping myself up warmly in bed and watching two Mystery Science Theatre 3000 episodes that I've had on tape since going on ten years: Santa Claus and Santa Claus Conquers The Martians. As is my tradition.

I leave you with the video to what is probably my favorite Christmas song of all time.

Merry Christmas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell the family I said "hi". I would love to see the looks their faces as they say "who the hell is Chris?"

Anyway, to get more integrated for my first holiday in Texas, I'm making Christmas chili.

I think the first Die Hard is my holiday film tradition.


12:23 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Actually it seems that I have so many friends named Chris that my parents' reaction would probably end up sounding like, "Oh! Uh.. well. Tell him-- er, I mean her-- uh, we said hello, too."

Once years ago at The Kings Head Inn we all thought it would be funny if I took a picture of every single person in the club that night that was named Chris. We gathered every Chris in the club we could find. Turned out to be this HUGE group photo. It must have been about 20+ people. And the really funny thing was that I knew them all!

Have a happy one, dude. And email me sometime! Let me know what you've been listening to these days. I need ideas.

9:34 AM  

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