Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Thur 6: 10-5:30
Fri 7: 12-7:30
Sat 8: 11-7:30
Mon 10: 4-cl
Tue 11: 12-7:30
Wed 12: 12-7:30
Thur 13: 12-7:30
Sat 15: 2-10

Joe is in the other room watching our favorite romantic movie, Map Of The Human Heart, which I haven't watched in years only because I bawl like baby every damn time I see it. So I'm in the next room typing out my schedule here in the bloggy and right at the end of the movie I can hear that familiar Gabriel Yared score swell, that music which has actually scored itself into my soul all these years of knowing that movie by heart, and picturing Avik's frozen body beneath the glacier...

And here come the waterworks. Dadblastit.

Every damn time.


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