Monday, July 10, 2006

Game Theory

I forgot to mention that after the game yesterday Joe and Al and I walked down through downtown Norfolk where I finally got to check out Relative Theory that everyone and their emo grandmother have been telling me about. Sort of reminds me of a cross between NYC's Mondo Kim's Video on St. Mark's and Bleecker Bob's, being very "Kim's" in store layout and very "Bob's" in the way that the sales staff writes humorous little notes on the covers of their CDs describing the band's sound or just wacky whatnots in general. I remember the last time I was at Bleecker Bob's Joe bought a CD by a band's whose name escapes me but someone in the store wrote on the cover "SOUNDS LIKE BABY BEING THROWN INTO WOOD CHIPPER!" and we went by that selling point alone. At Relative Theory yesterday they had the new Soul Asylum album on the shelves with the words "OUR NATION'S LONG WAIT IS FINALLY OVER!" and that made me snerk.

Didn't make me buy the Soul Asylum album, however.


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