Friday, January 12, 2007


Sat 13: 12-7
Sun 14: 11-6:30
Tue 3-cl
Wed 17: 10-6:30
Fri 19: 12-6:30
Sat 20: 11-6:30

My mother took a hard dive off the back door steps last week onto the brick patio and shattered her left wrist. She just had the surgery Wednesday to have the steel pins put into her arm and surprisingly it wasn't as hopeless as the doctors feared, having a woman my mom's age break so many brittle bones without having to reconstruct everything completely. She'll still need physical therapy, but other than that it looks good that she'll regain most of her former mobility in that hand. Right now she's experiencing the hilarity of having to dress and bath and even brush her teeth with one hand. She says the bathroom sink is always lousy with toothpaste after trying to squeeze the tube while alternating between her nose and her elbow. Interesting. I may go visit this weekend just to see that all go down.

In other news: Still sick with a cold. Apparently that one that's been going around where everybody has it for 4-6 weeks straight. Well, that seems to be my deal. Pretty much have had this since the day after Christmas and I gotta tell ya the whole thing's getting pretty old. Then I think about my mom and I feel like shit for complaining. I really should go over there this weekend and help her squeeze the toothpaste, not just laugh at her for using her nose. I'm a cold, cold bitch.

So I spend my downtime at home mostly reading. Boring, I know. On top of the whole cold bitch thing I've also become a dull, dull old biddy in my encroaching middle age. But I am at least reading some rather choice stuff:

The Areas Of My Expertise by John Hodgman. I meant to get this a long-ass time ago back when Hodgman was a guest on The Daily Show plugging this book, and just remembering how funny in general the interview was and everything. Especially funny now that I get it and look at Hodgman's picture in the back and recognize him as one of the more recent correspondents on TDS these days. Anyway, it's kind of like an almanac. An almanac of... gasp... lies! Liiiies..... okay, half truths. I'm always burning with optimism's flame.

And this just arrived from Amazon this evening...

Castle Waiting, a hardbound collection of graphic novels by Linda Medley, consisting of her sharp black and white artwork and engaging storytelling. This volume collects her humorous, slightly more feminist retellings of Sleeping Beauty, The Canterbury Tales, and several others, and although I've yet to crack the spine on this volume I have been sort of getting into her more recent comic book issues from one of the guys that works at Trilogy (not Jerry, but the red-headed guy with glasses who's always there when Jerry isn't) who kept foisting it upon me until I finally started buying them on my own. So I'm hooked now. Thank you, red-headed guy with glasses who works at Trilogy. Just what I needed; something else to obsess over once every else in Strangers In Paradise finally goes freakin' belly-up.

Oh OH! And before I forget, go see Children of Men. In theaters now. Just GO. Goooooo....


Blogger Anita said...

I spent about two or three minutes trying to think of a better way for your mom to use toothpaste with one hand and I can't think of one other than putting the toothbrush on the counter, but I'm a gemaphobe and I wouldn't want my toothbrush on the counter.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Oh man, you could eat off the bathroom floor at my parents' house the way my mother keeps everything freakishly spic-and-span. I'm telling her she should just forego the entire toothbrush affair and aim the tube at her mouth and squeeze it right straight in. Just swish it around a bit, spit, and bingo, Bob's your uncle. Clean teeth. I could practically hear her flipping me off over the phone.

10:18 PM  

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