Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Get My Kicks Above The Waistline, Sunshine

My Death Cough is back.

Okay, not in full force comeback. I can still sleep at night, and not wet my pants with every rib-ripping seizure. It's more an irritant than a crippling cough at the moment. I don't need the doctor yet. Hopefully, being as low-key as it is right now, maybe it will stay this route until it's finally run its course. However long that takes.

I guess I shouldn't be disappointed, but I am a little, I confess. I was hoping that my new raw/vegan diet would have the kind of positive effects on my health to where I might be able to say a permanent bye-bye to all my Death Cough issues. This is the one thing I haven't tried yet and I was putting a lot of faith in it to "cure" me, since nothing else I've tried in the last twenty-some odd years has. But I am still new to this lifestyle change, and I can't exactly expect results overnight. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop, however. In fact I feel myself leaning more towards a greater and greater percentage of raw meals each day, and cooked has seriously lost its taste to me -- or not so much the taste but the taste for cooked food, hardly craving it at all right now. I admit I've never tried the holistic route yet. Just Dave told me that he went in for an acupuncture session once last year and he claims it did wonders for his chronic allergies (however psychosomatic that all might have been) which gave him a froggie speaking voice for all the twenty years that I have known him.

Just Dave has also been vegan for years and it has done nothing for his allergies.

Today I have packed a lunch for work, consisting of a raw salad of spinach and romaine, with white onions, green bell peppers, tomatoes, pine nuts, raisins, and (soaked) goji berries, with a salad dressing that I made of raw organic tahini blended with lemon juice, water, and a pinch of salt. Also as a side dish about 4 ounces of raw butternut squash apple soup. And for dessert a bag of Goraw chocolate coconut cookies I bought at the Heritage this afternoon.

I guess sugar-free cough drops don't count, do they? Sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that the cough gets its eviction notice real soon...


El Gee x

10:53 AM  

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