Saturday, January 10, 2009

Stop Dying, People I Like!

WTF, bitches? Is 2009 trying to give me a heart attack already? First Ron Asheton dies this week and now Ray Dennis Steckler? One of the things I meant to do on my last trip to Las Vegas was visit Steckler's video store and see if the man was working behind the counter that

day. Then again Steckler was, well, kinda up there in age. Guy had a long life and all that. Asheton was only 60... well okay, Steckler was only ten years older than Asheton but still, I'm not used to thinking of 60 as old anymore. I remember the first time I heard "Shake Appeal" off the Stooges Raw Power album back in college and it sounded like the hardest thing I had ever heard up to that point in my life. And I just realized that I think I either lost or had my CD copy of Fun House stolen years ago and never replaced it (I have the first Stooges album and Raw Power on vinyl). I seriously, seriously need to remedy that this week.

And I think I need to watch Rat Pfink A Boo Boo this week as well.



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