Monday, February 09, 2009

I've Been Told This Is Good For Me

The Friday Five, three days late:

1. What activity can you not believe you survived in your childhood?

Probably all the goofball hotdogging my girlfriends and I used to do on our skateboards and dirt bikes when we were kids, back in the 70's and early 80's. My next door neighbor's teenage son had built a halfpipe in their driveway and the girls and I would break our necks on it daily, with no kneepads or helmets or anything. Jeanne and I used to create all kinds of elaborate ramps and obstacle courses in her driveway and tear the flesh off of each other's faces wiping out on those things. I remember one hard fall Jeanne took on the pavement, but she got up and said she was okay. Later that night in my clubhouse (my parents' shed in the backyard) she happened to roll up her jeans leg and saw her calves covered in dried, caked-on blood that she wasn't even aware that she'd done to herself during the crash.

2. What activity can you not believe kids get away with today?

Christ, just going to school every day. And I used to think I had it bad in my day.

3. If you could be anyone else in the world live or dead, who would you choose to be?

Today I'll go ahead and say Ellen Forney, because she's doing exactly what I have always wanted to do since I was a little girl. I admire her greatly.

4. A lot of people think they've been in love at 15 or 16 years old, do you think you now look back and think you were a stupid kid or do you believe that you were old enough to know what love is?

It's not something I talk about often, but when I was twelve years old I "fell in love" with a comic book character and it was the first time that I had ever felt anything even remotely close to what adults call romantic love at that tender age. Was it really love? Couldn't really say. Can you really fall in love with something that's not real? Nonetheless, I spent years of my teenage life pining for something I could never have, existing in moments like Christopher Reeve in Somewhere In Time trying to get into that world I could never be in, being the prototype of every man I would find attractive later in life... so maybe it was more just childhood obsession than anything. Compared to the real relationship I have now, it was nowhere near the real, adult love that I've come to know now. Plus it's easier than making out with newsprint, and believe it or not, less messier.

5. Do you think it is possible to remain in love with someone you once loved, but haven't seen in a year?

Sure, I suppose. Unless that person's changed a whole hell of a lot in one year.


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