Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This Is Why I Don't Twitter

Just got back from an excellent lunch with Joe and Mike at this place we'd never tried before which turns out to be right around the corner from my house. It's been so relaxing, not having had stomach pains for almost a month and a half now, and feeling a little freer to eat better again without the ever-looming fear of gut-ular angst. My gastro seems to think that it's spastic colon, which sounds just like someone with my luck would have. On the bright side it is known to go away for long stretches at a time before reoccurring, so there can be times like today where the three of us can chow down on an appetizer of melitzana with skordalia (yums all around!), a greek salad of tomatoes, feta, olives, and anchovies and not have to worry that too much vegetation will have me doubled over in aaaahgony. I have still avoided fruits, although I'm craving them like nobody's bizniz. When the summer kicks in, which is my ever-lovin' fruit-eatin' season, I'm going to have to suck it up and risk the pain to see if I can hold down a papaya again. God, I miss papaya. And I had even went so far as to purchase a banana bunker for carrying bananas around with me as a quick "energy bar". (My mother saw me open the delivery box with the banana bunker inside it and thought it was something else entirely, which coming from my straight-laced mom had me nearly falling over laughing).

And does Sirius radio lose its signal often? I don't have it, and I suppose other than restaurants I never get to hear it. But they were playing some goofy 80's-ish MOR set and the signal would blip out sporadically, and in this case, seemingly during any moment with an artist whose names began with the letter "M". It completely crashed during Madonna's "Like A Prayer" and Maroon 5's "Makes Me Wonder", which is 80's-sounding enough to count (during the beginning part before the vocals Mike shouted out "Hey it's the Talking Heads!"). And even funnier, when Jeffrey Osborne's "Stay With Me Tonight" was playing the signal went out during the Brian May guitar solo only! (I actually had no idea that guitar solo was by Brian May, but Mike always seems to know these things, which is what makes him Mike). Anyway, it added a touch of hilarity to the Mediterranean ambiance -- including bookend Phil Collins tracks, which completes my 24-hour cycle of Phil Collins ubiquitousness. Especially considering Miranda already "Phil'd" me yesterday at work sticking a copy of No Jacket Required under my nose. Bitch. I'll get you when you're not looking. Don't make half the staff paper the inside and outside of your car with photo-copies of the album cover to the Buster soundtrack again like we did that one Christmas Eve! Man, good times.

Speaking of which, Miranda and I were trying to come up with some kind of menacing logo for a potential "New Phil Order" gag website, discussing Phil Collins' attempt at world domination through his ability to expose his name, face, or music in the average American's life within every 24-hour period. Something not quite swastika, not quite hammer-n-cycle, but something similar and perhaps somewhat related to Phil Collins that one might associate with him in some way, and maybe insert his face from either one of his many giant-noggin album covers in the center. Or better yet, something like this. (although I wouldn't turn down this one either.) Anybody got any cool ideas? Get to doodling, mah peeps!


Anonymous Anita said...

The bunker makes a banana look almost like a ribbed condom on a curvy penis.

I had sirius on the car I rented this weekend, it would go in and out from time to time.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

That's pretty much what my mother probably thought it was -- either that or a dildo, but it's not like she's gonna mention it out loud, knowing her. She's pretty buttoned-down. But when my dad walked into the room and asked why we were laughing she qickly yelped "NOTHING!" LOL

12:54 AM  

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