Friday, August 07, 2009

Trying The Handles Of Parked Cars

The Friday Five:

1. What is your morning routine?
Wake up, pee, and stumble to the computer to check my email. Something about clicking on links and such helps me focus my mind and gets all the feathers out of my head.

2. What is your nightly routine?
Brush teeth and flop onto the mattress, either to read myself to sleep, or pass out while Joe watches wrestling.

3. Do you like to listen to the radio when you sleep or have it quiet?
I used to love listening to albums a long time ago, to help rock me to sleep. Usually creepy ones, like Christian Death's Ashes (with the disturbing baby crying in the background) or Pornography by The Cure, which reminds me of the time the shadow of the trees outside on my bedroom wall looked like a man hanging from a noose while I was trying to go to sleep to that album. Nowadays I read. Puts me out like a light every time.

4. What do you like to sleep in?
My socks. ;)

5. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
Welp, time to pee again.


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