Friday, September 18, 2009

The Twisted Hand Of Fate

The Friday Five:

1. If there was one thing about your body you could change, what would it be?
One thing? Well, these days it would obviously be my weight. I went through a tremendously depressive phase over the last few years and gained back almost everything that I had lost the three years previous. I've been having flutters in my chest that concern me, especially with my high blood pressure. I'm trying to get back on track again. Dear God, I really am.

2. Would you rather lose 10lbs or 10 points off your IQ?
What, really? Unless you were anorexic, why would anyone choose to be dumber than healthier? And not that anorexic is healthy, either -- but really, who would choose to be less smart? Now if they asked me if I would rather gain 10 pounds or lose 10 IQ points, I think I'd prefer to keep my wits about me (which isn't much).

3. When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see?
Eh, I'm alright, I guess. Don't think I'm ugly, but no great beauty, either. But that never concerned me. Even the weight doesn't bother me aesthetically so much as it does physically. I'd much prefer to move and breath the way I used when I was a kid on up through my twenties.

4. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Nope, but I probably should. Or at least invest in a rinse that would hide most of this gray.

5. How often do you weigh yourself?
Not as much as I should. Maybe I'd stick to my diet if I did.


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