Monday, July 26, 2010

An Awfully Big Adventure

Wasp in the bedroom. A lot of squealing, a lot of girly flailing about. Much smashing against walls and floors with my 700+ page biography of Theodore Roosevelt. The deed is done, but the willies will never leave me. Time to set the whole house on fire and start a new uncontaminated life elsewhere.


Blogger So Very Unhip said...

OMG WASP IN THE BEDROOM! I just realized I haven't told you the story about the wasp in my pants. (In my PANTS.)

8:55 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Hahaha you have to tell me the wasp in the pants story sometime! I once had a wasp in my shirt, but that's not nearly as harrowing as WASP IN THE PANTS! What's sad those was that I never saw that shirt that the wasp was in again after that incident, and that was my favorite shirt.

10:42 PM  
Blogger James said...

Hair spray. It's sticky and it'll knock anything out of the air instantly. Then you can drop a bowling ball on the little bastard.

(I'm not kidding)

11:02 PM  

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