So hot at work, even with the air conditioner on, I tear off my shirt and toss it straight into the washer as soon as I walk through my door at the end of the day. And what a long, nutty week it's going to be, now that we have finally come up with a plan to get the WEA catalog back into the store again: Instead of all CDs $9.99, the new signs will say "ALL CDS AS LOW AS $9.99" or something like that, which means we can finally start selling the new Tom Petty and Trey Songz and Deftones and Michael Buble and Straight No Chaser and Avenged Sevenfold and bloody hell whatever the kids are listening to these days. This requires me to come into work at 7am and start re-pricing everything, and I know people are gonna raise a stink over this. But then again they complained that we didn't have anything new in the store anymore, so at least we'll have that again, roit? The other two price points will be $12.99 and $14.99 so it's not like they have to pay the old $18.99 for everything anymore. Just that WEA sells their stuff for $11 per unit so we can't sell it retail for $9.99 -- WE ARE NOT WALMART. We don't have loss-leaders. But at least people shouldn't complain about our used prices being so high anymore either.
Gotta force myself to go to bed. Damn I just wish my head didn't hurt so much.
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