Monday, October 10, 2005

What A Drag It Is Getting Old

Last night a woman followed me around at work for a few minutes, shooting me strange looks. Finally she rounded a corner and stood right in front of my path, smiling slyly.

"I know you." She says. "You used to hang out at Crossroads, didn't you?"

Funny how I was just talking about Crossroads almost a week ago, the rank little all-ages punk dive where Joe used to DJ and book bands back in the early 90's. I nodded and told her, "Er, yes... yes I did."

Looking pleased, she continued. "Yeahh, I recognized you! Didn't you used to date DJ Joe?"

"Ah, yes," I replied, "In fact I still do."

"Oh!" she exclaimed, as many react when the reality sets in as to how long that we've actually been together (I still react in much the same manner). "Boy, you used to hang out at that place every single night! You were there for every show, I remember. Man, I was just 16 years old then. And I'm almost 30 now."

I suddenly felt dizzy. I actually lurched forward and had to grab onto the nearest object I could find, which luckily was the CD rack or else I would have seized hold of the woman in front of me and knocked her straight to the floor. This woman -- the once-girl who probably blended into the Crossroads crowd of green mohawks and a Doc Martins was now a stylish woman in a sensible haircut, recounting her childhood memories of me. Childhood memories of me as an adult. If I wasn't already sickly last night I would have caught the vapors right there and fainted dead away.

"Well, nice seein' ya again." she says after destroying my life irreparably and sauntering off.

Fourteen years. For the first time it truly hit me. Crossroads was frikkin' fourteen years ago.

I suppose I should be flattered that I still look recognizable enough to be remembered by a woman who used to see me around when she was a teenager. Or maybe that's just a subtle hit on the head that I need to update my hairstyle.

Fucking hell, that still doesn't make me feel any better.

Sigh. I'm going back to bed. Wake me in another fourteen years.


Blogger Anita said...

>>(I still react in much the same manner).<<

I'm not going to lie to you when you met up with me at MacArthur center on my 21st birthday and after Lisa, mom and I left you all Lisa and mom could talk about was how they wish Joe would marry you.

I was all on your defense, I was like, "Maybe they don't WANT to get married!"

2:43 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Oh yeah, people are always asking, "When-when-WHEN!" Actually they kind of gave up on that after about, oh, the 13th years together.

But hey, maybe someday soon, you never know!

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

advice from a married woman: don't do it.

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, but it's good! It's another year you're still alive and kickin'. :D

9:29 PM  

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