Saturday, March 15, 2008

Perchance To Scream...

One of the many weird dreams I had last night involved a dozen beautiful young women, the movie Bladerunner, and Wilhelm Reich trying to stuff me into something that I assume was some kind of orgone accumulator but resembled the small black pyramid shaped one that my father's old friend Bobby had in his backyard when I was a kid, that was just big enough to squat in. But the one in the dream was huge inside. Like, Tardis huge -- but looked like the old catholic church down the road from my parents house that used to decorate the chapel with disco balls and glitter streamers when we'd have school dances held there. Now I can't get "Egypt Egypt" by Egyptian Lover out of my head.

Speaking of orgones, this dream brings back memories of this Kate Bush video that I used to love, with Donald Sutherland playing Wilhelm Reich and Kate playing Reich's young son Peter. And the cloudbuster in the video, by the way, was designed by Terry Gilliam (definitely appeals to my steampunk sensibilities). What more do you need to make a terrific video out of a magnificent song. God, this song makes me think of college, and that summer working on campus and living up on the hillside apartments, and it was so hot in there I went about nude about 99.9% of the time. I remember that guy standing at my screen door just observing me while I was sitting in the easy chair reading the paper totally starkers. Heck, for all I remember, this song was probably playing at the time, considering how much I listened to this album during that hottest of hot summers. Ah, good, hot, sweaty times.


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