It Was Inevitable, N'est Pas?
This was the sign at the Golden Corral on the corner of Volvo Parkway in Chesapeake today.
I really must have Mike email me that one picture that he took of the Golden Corral down near my house one night where the sign read PLEASE EAT POO FOR BARBARA. As well as the hairy penis guitar that came into his store for repairs one time. Aaaaand pretty much everything else he ever took with his PalmPilot around town. That man is somehow always there for the most hi-larious shizzy that goes down in Hampton Roads. Damn yo, I just wanna be him.
Speaking of um, sirloin, I guess I'm trying Atkins again. I went for three carb-free days of stomach aches, incontinence, and vertiginous sugar rages before I fudged a little today and had some Chinese food. But like Scarlett O'Hara once said, tomorrow is another.... um, eh, fiddle-dee-dee. Time to watch the season finale of Lost.
I feel like I've seen that "black anus" sign before...I have the feeling it might be a running gag at other Golden Corralls.
It probably is, just like the one Mike took a picture of. I think those Golden Corral signs are so low to the ground it just makes it easier for prankage. Wish I thought of those back when I used to do stuff like that! :)
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