Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Metamucil And Sympathy

My doctor has put me on the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) which is low-fiber, easy to digest, and bland as all get-out. But her concern is to keep me from getting too dehydrated running in and out of the ladies room every hour, until she can determine whether or not my stomach pains are due to my raw vegan diet, the medications I take on top of all that, or if I merely have the stomach virus that's been going around town these days (both my parents and my brother are just coming off the flu themselves).

Immediately going onto BRAT my stomach started feeling much better, although there is still a hint of pain there, especially this morning when I woke up and went to run some errands. I'm on Aleve right now and if the pain increases I may have to call out tomorrow from work (I already had yesterday and today off via doctor's note) because it is really, really important that I make myself well enough to go on this trip to Austin this Friday.

And my test results probably won't be in until I get back from Austin, so I won't really know what's wrong with me until I return, unless maybe I call the doctor while I'm out of town, which I should probably do anyway. Right now the doc just wants me to reintroduce fruits and vegetables slow and gradual, stopping when my stomach reacts again, and lay off my metformin and my fish oil supplements for a week.

The diet is a thundering bore. But I'm enjoying the not bending in half in agony for the time being. Man, I never did like applesauce. On potato latkes, yum-yum. By itself or with white toast and rice? Guh-guuuuhhh. Never thought I'd get sick of bananas.


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