Thursday, December 01, 2005

Happy Birthhh-day Missster Sssmithers....

I just thought I'd say that. Somehow watching reruns of The Simpsons brings a sweet sense of normalcy to my day, no matter how many bazillion times I've seen each and every one. And I'm striving for normalcy right now. Oh, and energy. Normalcy and energy. And I wouldn't kick a good night's sleep outta bed for anything. I'll settle for a little offa each plate, por favor.

Oh by the way, I want to apologize if my posts have been erratic and, well, even less than their usual lack-of-substance lately, but things have been busy and when I finally do get to get online to post anything what little energy and even less wit I still possess deserts me when it's most needed. I haven't even really gotten much holiday shopping tucked under my belt, but tomorrow is our store's annual employee discount day with 40% just about everything so I'm hoping to knock out a few folks on my Santa list in one fell swoop.

So tired. It's like I never sleep anymore.


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