Friday, June 09, 2006

Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps

I love getting prezzies in the post. Especially ones that I definitely wasn't expecting. Like yesterday! I gots me a cardboard poster tube! BONUS!-- rolled up poster included inside! Garsh... overwhelming thank-yews to Wemblee, my first-ever internet friend (almost 10 years to the day) who knows me well enough to know intimately what a rough time I've gone through over the last few months, as well as knowing exactly what kind of surprise gesture might cheer me right up. You're mah homeslice, girly-girl, and I love you. And thank you also to Joe for holding up the poster for me so I could snap the pic. Still not sure where it's going yet, although now that I'm looking at it that space really is in need of something (haha you can see my Virgin!Mary nightlite in the bathroom andzomgdavincicode!)

I can't believe I actually have the weekend off. I haven't had one of those since... well, that last time. Didn't find out 'til yesterday, either. Th' hell am I gonna do? No money, and just two thumbs to twiddle? Sunday evening I suppose I'll take tea on the back patio and strain to hear the dulcet tones of the Nine Inch Nails/Bauhaus concert at the nearby Amphitheatre. Weather permitting of course, dahlink.


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