Nearer To The Heart's Desire
I finally received the copy of Abner Dean's What Am I Doing Here? in the mail this weekend. You know, the one I bid on over at eBay. As you can see the dust cover is a tad jacked up but that's pretty much why I managed to get it so cheap, as pristine copies of his first editions go for considerably more than just a sawbuck a pop. And this is indeed a first edition 1947 copy, and the book itself is in damn
phenomenal condition for an article of this age. The subtitle, I just noticed for the first time, says "A book of pictures, which may include you." and I have to say some of these drawings are even more astonishing than my other Dean book It's A Long Way To Heaven which I won off eBay last year, though to say one book of Abner Dean drawings are more astonishing are like the age-old
comparisons between Minneolas and Gravensteins. To use the vernacular of the kids these days, it's "all good", yo. Check out more pics from this book on this Abner Dean page, and enjoy Chris Lanier's article about the artist from The High Hat. Me, I gots some "readin'" ta do.
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