Monday, November 16, 2009

Ken Ober, 1957-2009

It apparently had been another one of those celebrity death internet rumors all afternoon. But as the day progressed the confirmations have rolled in: Comedian and host of the 1980's MTV game show Remote Control has died at the age of 52.

From 1987 through 1990, Remote Control was considered the network's first original non-music program, predating the many years to come of no more music programming in the near future. But Remote Control fit the format by being a game show about movies, music and television, often acted out by a cast of unknowns that consisted of Kari Wührer, Colin Quinn (later of Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update news chair), Alicia Coppola (Jericho), Denis Leary (Rescue Me) and Adam Sandler, to name a few. And Ober was the good-natured everyman host, the face of the show, and my dad always though that he looked a little like Joe back when we were first dating. Anyway, we're sorry to see you go, Kenny. It was too young, that's for sure.

Now how about a Remote Control marathon on MTV for a change? I'm sure the cast of The Hills could use a break. Heaven knows we could use a break from them, too.


Blogger MostPeopleAreBlank said...

Man what is going on this's really seems to be way more celeb deaths than ever before.

I've been online tonight and still hadn't seen this anywhere, I wouldn't hear about half this stuff if it wasn't for you Melissa...

One I meant to mention though that I was suprised you didn't cover...did you hear Brendan Mullen, found of The Masque, the Hollywood Punk Club in the golden years died of a stroke a month ago...if you haven't read "We've Got The Neutron Bomb" let me know and I'll send it to you...great stuff. I've always loved all the old Masque legends.

I wonder if the episode of Remote Control with The Red Hot Chili Peppers is on youtube...I know I have it on tape in my closet somewhere, but I imagine it's already out there

11:36 PM  

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