Saturday, November 07, 2009

This Charming Man

Already another Moz tour fraught with DRRRRAMA! Two weeks after Morrissey collapses on stage, tonight he apparently walked off the stage into the second song of the night after somebody in the audience threw a bottle of water at his head, while he was bending down to shake hands with the fans in the front row.

And I would just like to say that the upper border graphic of 1980's cassettes for that blog linked above looks almost exactly like the bookshelf of my college dorm room.

Anyway, Jesus Christ, Morrissey. Cowboy up a little. (Then again we are talking about Morrissey here.) I've seen a million musicians hit with worse and still soldier on. I still remember seeing a tennis shoe hit Kurt Cobain in the bean at a Nirvana show at William & Mary Hall. They stopped playing, and Kris asked Kurt "Did that hurt?" Kurt made a pouty face and nodded like a little boy, and then they launched right back into the gig again. What pros. Oh, except for the part that Kurt's dead now and everything.


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