Friday, July 21, 2006

Life. Job. Haircut. GET THEM!

The Friday Five:

1. What talent(s) do you have that could make you famous?
I used to dream of writing and illustrating my own graphic novels since I was a little girl. How famous that would make me, however, I guess would depend on how many coke-bottle goggled nerd boys would be waiting in line to have me sign their Sailor Moon outfits at Dragoncon each year.

2. If you could be famous for one day, what would you do?
Decide who lives and who dies. (edit: preferably at Dragoncon)

3. If you were so famous that money was no object, where would you live?
Hell, as hot as its been these days I'll just carve an igloo in my own damn backyard. Then recline naked in a bundle of polar bear pelts with three huskies curled on top of my feet. And I'll be suckin' on strawberry popsicles, baby. With bronzed naked slave boys that all look like Jack Stehlin fanning me with my own cash-cow graphic novels. My needs are simple.

4. If you could meet any famous person, who would it be?
I know this sounds a tad strange, but I have always had this weird fantasy of William Shakespeare falling into some space-time continuum wormhole thingamajig taking him into 2006 where I'd find him wandering the streets like a scruffy homeless man, sick and scared, and I'd take him back to my house and, like, give him chicken soup or something. I don't know why. I guess it's just the nanny in me that secretly longs to nurse 16th century poet/playwrightes back to health.

5. What would be your famous catch phrase/quote/motto/last words?


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