Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Goddess In The Doorway

My friend Hunter is a well-known local filmmaker who has been directing a lot of the local commercials you see in and around the Hampton Roads area. But it's nice to see her actually starring in one of her own spots every now and then.

Uh yeah, that's her, the one interviewing all the Longwood University students. I just saw this one in particular run right around midnight on the TLC network, of all places, while I was watching some program about children with hairy faces. Or maybe it was flipping back and forth between that and Celebrity Rehab on VH1, trying to stay awake. Man, do I watch some rank TV programs late at night. Hey, Hunter's the one who got addicted to Rock Of Love after we got to talking about it in Nags Head this past summer! She's my sister in trash, she is. And a darn fine director as well.


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