Careful With That Wand, Dolores
Somehow I just can't see how this is legit.
But if it was, then hell son, sign me up. Not that I travel by air more than once or maybe twice a year these days. But I am a sucker for not standing in those security lines, especially since I always seem to be the one they randomly select to pull aside and frisk (Joe says "It must be those two very obvious bombs you're smuggling"). Only ten participating airports so far, but they include New York and Atlanta, both being huge, super-congested gateway hubs to both the west and overseas, so that's something to consider. Plus, iris image! Which uh, actually kind of actually creeps me the fuck out. There's that wee sliver of a Luddite in me that feels uncomfortable having too much of my DNA out there on record. Then again if I can show my tits on the internet I hardly have much room to complain.
And besides, who doesn't want to sleep in later?
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