Friday, June 23, 2006

Let's Have A Brainwash

Joe's mother Lucy just left this morning. She seemed pretty pleased with the new digs, and came bearing housewarming gifts of MORE jars of homemade canned jams, salsas and sauces (she grows and cans her own food, and never fails to hook us up) and this old painting of the Moulin Rouge that Joe's grandmother bought in Paris ages ago and had hanging in her home before she passed away a few years ago. Can't tell from the pic, but it's purdy durn huge, so it goes right over the couch in the living room, so that The Flash can look right up at it while continuing to be tucked behind the furniture waiting to be hung up somewhere as well. Poor, poor long-suffering, neglected Flash.

Other than that we took a tour of the Contemporary Art Center down at the beach and had lunch at PF Chang's before I trotted off to work. Each day seems to be getting hotter and unbearably unendurably utterly insufferably hotter, and I actually bought myself a caramel frappachino from the Barnes & Noble next door to my store just to ice down my poor sweaty lil' noggin even though I swore I wasn't going to buy one until I've lost another 10 pounds. By the way, I'm thinking of taking up yoga. Just to pick up on some stretching exercises to aid in stress relief as well as toning up on some o' these flabstatic muscles that have more than slightly atrophied since I stopped working out so rigorously after moving back in March. I bought a DVD...

and I've been looking up positions and simple flex moves on the web to try and get me started. And I'm attempting to achieve 100 sit-ups a day. Welll... just not all at once. But I do plan on getting them all in there before bedtime!

And I also put this on my refrigerator, for good measure.


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